Типови шума Копаоника као еколошки основ реалног планирања газдовања - одрживог управљања шумским екосистемима
Šljukić, Biljana S., 1966-
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Autorstvo-Nekomercijalno 3.0 Srbija (CC BY-NC 3.0)
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Theses Type
Doktorska disertacija
Datum odbrane: 15.06.2015.
Other responsibilities
Medarević, Milan, 1951-
član komisije
Banković, Staniša, 1945-
član komisije
Cvjetićanin, Rade, 1958-
član komisije
Pantić, Damjan, 1963-
član komisije
Košanin, Olivera, 1968-
Academic Expertise
Tehničko-tehnološke nauke
Univerzitet u Beogradu
Šumarski fakultet
Alternative title
Forest types of Мt. Кopaonik as an ecological basis of real management planning - sustainable management of forest ecosystems
[Биљана С. Шљукић]
221 лист
Шумарство - Планирање газдовања шумама / Forestry - Forest management planing
Abstract (sr)
У еколошки променљивом шумском пределу, успех у предвиђању одговора шумских екосистема на поремећаје настале природно и индуковане начинима газдовања је неизвестан ако не можемо експлицитно да идентификујемо и објаснимо варијације у еколошким условима, које одређују продуктивност и отпорност екосистема...
Abstract (en)
In an ecologically variable forest landscape, the success of predicting the response of
forest ecosystems to disturbances occurring naturally or induced by modes of
management is uncertain if we cannot explicitly identify and explain the variations in
environmental conditions that determine the productivity and resilience of ecosystems.
This can be efficiently achieved by exploring the ecological classification of habitats.
Although created with the primary objective to provide a more complete basis for
ecological forest management planning, the typological classification that has been in
use in this country can by all its characteristics be considered an ecological
The aim of this study was to thoroughly and comprehensively observe all the significant
features of the previously defined basic classification units - forest types in the complex
of mesophilic beech forests and beech-coniferous forests in the Kopaonik National Park
that are significant for modern forest management planning. Among these
characteristics are ecotope and biocenosis characterized primarily by the structural
shape, mixture ratio, relationships among the tree species and the size, structure, value
and safety of wood volume production. In addition, a special goal of this research was
to define the objectives of forest management in relation to the existing situation of
determined forest types and realistically established priority functions, as well as an
orientational functional optimum of these forests.
In 27 sample plots of the average size of 0.33 ha, the survey included the following
forest coenoecological groups of forest types: forests of spruce, fir and beech (Abieti -
Piceenion-Bl. No. 39) on humus-silicate soils, rendzinas, humus, eutric and dystric
brown soils, brown and illimerised soils on limestone, the contact of limestone and
silicate rocks and brown podzolic soil...
Authors Key words
тип шуме, смрча, јела, буква, одрживо газдовање, НП Копаоник
Authors Key words
Forest type, spruce, fir, beech, sustainable
management, NP Kopaonik
630*62(497.11-751.2 Кopaonik)(043.3)
Abstract (sr)
У еколошки променљивом шумском пределу, успех у предвиђању одговора шумских екосистема на поремећаје настале природно и индуковане начинима газдовања је неизвестан ако не можемо експлицитно да идентификујемо и објаснимо варијације у еколошким условима, које одређују продуктивност и отпорност екосистема...
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