Relations between implicit and explicit measures of personality - prospects of Implicit Association Test (IAT) in assessment of basic personality traits
Lazarević, Ljiljana, 1981-
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Autorstvo-Nekomercijalno 3.0 Srbija (CC BY-NC 3.0)
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Theses Type
Doktorska disertacija
Datum odbrane: 05.10.2012.
Other responsibilities
Knežević, Goran, 1964-
član komisije
Opačić, Goran, 1962-
član komisije
Lalović, Dejan, 1964-
član komisije
Nosek, Brian
Academic Expertise
Društveno-humanističke nauke
Univerzitet u Beogradu
Filozofski fakultet
Odeljenje za psihologiju
Alternative title
Odnos između implicitnih i eksplicitnih mera ličnosti - mogućnosti Testa implicitnih asocijacija (IAT) u proceni bazičnih dimenzija ličnosti
Belgrade : [Lj. Lazarević]
PDF/A (206 listova)
Psihologija - Individualne razlike / Psychology - Individual differences
Abstract (en)
Introduction. The core idea behind the Implicit Association Test (IAT) is to
obtain information that are not the result of controlled processes. Therefore, it is
considered a technique with the potential to overcome some disadvantages of explicit
measures, such as socially desirable responding. IAT consists of a task of double
categorization whereby the respondents have to sort the stimuli belonging to
superordinated categories.
Study objective. The main objective of the study was to investigate the
convergent and discriminative validity of IAT in the assessment of basic personality
Method. To investigate the relations between the implicit and explicit measures,
Implicit Association Tests, several self-report measures, ratings by close others, and
measures of cognitive abilities were administered to a sample of 224 university students
at Belgrade University. Ratings by experts and linguistic measures were collected from
a subsample of 99 subjects. The respondents completed the personality IAT, NEO-PIR
and DELTA10 (S and R form), a short scale of attributes (DOCEAN), a short
questionnaire for the assessment of relevant moderator variables, KOG9 battery test for
the assessment of intellectual abilities, and self-assessment of intellectual abilities. In
addition, they were observed by experts in structured interviews, in which linguistic
parameters were collected through an automatic text analysis (LIWC).
Results. The correlations between the self-reported and IAT Neuroticism (0.17)
and Extraversion (0.16) were found to be small but significant (p<0.05). However, none
of the paths from the personality IAT to the corresponding latent traits in SEM
Correlated-Traits-Correlated-Uniqueness-MTMM-Model was significant. The model
had the excellent fit: c2=338.18, p=0.00; RMSEA=0.042 (90% CI RMSEA 0.031-
0.053), SRMR=0.066 and CFI=0.96. The MTMM analyses on a subsample of 99
respondents, from which behavioural measures were collected, demonstrated relations
between IAT and the parameters collected with automatic text analysis (LIWC).
Subsequent analyses demonstrated a strong divergence between implicit and explicit
method factors.
Conclusion. Study has shown that the personality IAT measures have little in
common with personality traits measured by the traditional self-report inventories or
rating scales. However, MTMM analysis provides evidence about the predictive validity
of IAT in spontaneous verbal behaviour.
Abstract (sr)
Uvod. Ideja koja stoji u osnovi Testa Implicitnih Asocijacija (IAT) je
prikupljanje informacija koje nisu pod uticajem kontrolisanih procesa, zbog čega se
smatra da ova tehnika pruža mogućnost prevazilaženja nedostataka eksplicitnih mera,
kao što je socijalno poželjno odgovaranje. IAT predstavlja zadatak dvostruke
kategorizacije u kojem ispitanici svrstavaju stimuluse koji pripadaju nadreñenim
Cilj. Glavni cilj istraživanja je bio da se utvrdi konvergentna i diskriminativna
validnost IAT-a u proceni bazičnih dimenzija ličnosti.
Metod. Kako bi se utvrdile relacije izmeñu implicitnih i eksplicitnih mera, na
uzorku od 224 studenta beogradskog univerziteta, prikupljeni su podaci sa Testa
Implicitnih Asocijacija, nekoliko mera samo-izveštaja, procene od strane bliskih drugih
i mere kognitivnog funkcionisanja. Na poduzorku od 99 ispitanika prikupljene su i mere
procene od strane eksperta, kao i lingvistički parametri. Primenjeni su sledeći
instrumenti: IAT za procenu bazičnih dimenzija ličnosti, NEO PIR (S i R forma) i
DELTA 10 (S i R forma), kratka skala atributa (DOCEAN), kratak upitnik za procenu
relevantnih moderatorskih varijabli, KOG9 baterija za procenu intelektualnih
sposobnosti i upitnik za samo-procenu intelektualnih sposobnosti. Dodatno, prikupljene
su i ekspertske procene na osnovu posmatranja u strukturisanom intervjuu i lingvistički
parametri na osnovu automatske analize teksta (LIWC).
Rezultati. Korelacije izmeñu Neuroticizma merenim NEO PIR i IAT (0.17) i
Ekstraverzije (0.16) su bile male ali značajne (p<0.05). Meñutim, nijedno od zasićenja
sa IAT na korespodentnim latentnim faktorima u strukturnom MTMM modelu nije bilo
značajno. Model je imao odlične indekse podesnosti: c2=338.18, p=0.00;
RMSEA=0.042 (90% CIRMSEA 0.031-0.053), SRMR=0.066 i CFI=0.96. MTMM
analiza na subuzorku od 99 ispitanika, na kojem su prikupljene i bihejvioralne mere, je
kazala na relacije izmeñu IAT i parametara prikupljenih automatskom analizom teksta
(LIWC). Naknadne analize su pokazale jako razmimoilaženje metodskih faktora
izolovanih iz implicitnih i eksplicitnih mera.
Zaključak. Istraživanje je pokazalo da mere prikupljene pomoću IAT imaju malo
zajedničkog sa merama samoizveštaja ili procena od strane drugih. Ipak, MTMM
analiza je ukazala na mogućnosti IAT u predviñanju spontanog verbalnog ponašanja.
Authors Key words
Implicit Association Test (IAT), self-report, rating by close others,
rating by experts, basic personality traits, Multi-Trait-Multi-Method (MTMM) approach
Authors Key words
Test Implicitinih Asocijacija (IAT), mere samoizveštaja, procena
od strane bliskih drugih, procena od strane eksperta, bazične dimenzije ličnosti, multicrta
multi-metod pristup (MTMM)
Abstract (en)
Introduction. The core idea behind the Implicit Association Test (IAT) is to
obtain information that are not the result of controlled processes. Therefore, it is
considered a technique with the potential to overcome some disadvantages of explicit
measures, such as socially desirable responding. IAT consists of a task of double
categorization whereby the respondents have to sort the stimuli belonging to
superordinated categories.
Study objective. The main objective of the study was to investigate the
convergent and discriminative validity of IAT in the assessment of basic personality
Method. To investigate the relations between the implicit and explicit measures,
Implicit Association Tests, several self-report measures, ratings by close others, and
measures of cognitive abilities were administered to a sample of 224 university students
at Belgrade University. Ratings by experts and linguistic measures were collected from
a subsample of 99 subjects. The respondents completed the personality IAT, NEO-PIR
and DELTA10 (S and R form), a short scale of attributes (DOCEAN), a short
questionnaire for the assessment of relevant moderator variables, KOG9 battery test for
the assessment of intellectual abilities, and self-assessment of intellectual abilities. In
addition, they were observed by experts in structured interviews, in which linguistic
parameters were collected through an automatic text analysis (LIWC).
Results. The correlations between the self-reported and IAT Neuroticism (0.17)
and Extraversion (0.16) were found to be small but significant (p<0.05). However, none
of the paths from the personality IAT to the corresponding latent traits in SEM
Correlated-Traits-Correlated-Uniqueness-MTMM-Model was significant. The model
had the excellent fit: c2=338.18, p=0.00; RMSEA=0.042 (90% CI RMSEA 0.031-
0.053), SRMR=0.066 and CFI=0.96. The MTMM analyses on a subsample of 99
respondents, from which behavioural measures were collected, demonstrated relations
between IAT and the parameters collected with automatic text analysis (LIWC).
Subsequent analyses demonstrated a strong divergence between implicit and explicit
method factors.
Conclusion. Study has shown that the personality IAT measures have little in
common with personality traits measured by the traditional self-report inventories or
rating scales. However, MTMM analysis provides evidence about the predictive validity
of IAT in spontaneous verbal behaviour.
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