Ubrzanje metoda za rešavanje problema prenosa polarizovanog zračenje u više dimenzija i njihova primena
Milić, Ivan, 1985-
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Autorstvo-Nekomercijalno-Deliti pod istim uslovima 3.0 Srbija (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0)
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Theses Type
Doktorska disertacija
Datum odbrane: 24.10.2014.
Other responsibilities
Atanacković, Olga.
Faurobert, Marianne.
član komisije
Štěpán, Jiří.
član komisije
Urošević, Dejan.
Academic Expertise
Prirodno-matematičke nauke
Academic Title
Univerzitet u Beogradu
Matematički fakultet
Alternative title
Acceleration of methods for multidimensional polarized radiative transfer and their application
133 lista
Astronomija - Astrofizika / Astronomy - Astrophysics
Abstract (en)
Multidimensional radiative transfer is an essential ingredient of modern approach
to modeling of astrophysical objects. Realistic modeling calls for the assumption
of non-local thermodynamic equilibrium (NLTE), which, in turn requires
self-consistent solution of coupled equations of radiative transfer statistical equilibrium.
This approach allows us to compute emergent spectrum from a given model of
the object, which is, in principle, a necessary step in interpretation of observational
results. Thanks to the high-resolution and high signal to noise observations, it is
often possible to measure not only intensity of the light but also its state of polarization.
For interpretation of such observations it is necessary to solve radiative
transfer problem for polarized radiation.
This thesis deals with non-LTE transfer of (generally polarized) radiation in twodimensional
media. Thesis can be divided in two parts. In the first part, we present
a numerical method for the formal solution of the radiative transfer equation in 2D
Cartesian coordinate system. This method allows us to explicitly account for the
contribution of non-local source functions to the local specific intensity, and, hence,
to the local scattering integral. The knowledge of these contributions is necessary
for an iterative solution of coupled equations of radiative transfer and statistical
equilibrium. Based on this formal solution we introduce two novel schemes for
multidimensional NLTE radiative transfer which have so far been used only in 1D
geometry: symmetric Gauss-Seidel iteration and “Sweep-by-sweep” implicit lambda
iteration, latter one being based on “Forth-and-back” implicit lambda iteration.
Both methods utilize implicit use of the local source function and the source function
corrections each sweep of the computational grid (four times per iteration).
“Sweep-by-sweep” implicit lambda iteration also uses the idea of iteration factors
and achieves acceleration of about factor of seven with respect to the referent ...
Abstract (sr)
Prenos zračenja u više dimenzija je neophodan sastavni deo modernog pristupa
modelovanju astrofizičkih objekata. Realistično modelovanje podrazumeva
korišćenje pretpostavke o ne-lokalnoj statističkoj ravnoteži, koja, opet, podrazumeva
potrebu za istovremenim i samokonzistentnim rešavanjem spregnutih jednačina prenosa
zračenja i statističke ravnoteže. Ovim pristupom možemo da, na osnovu teorijskih
modela, izračunamo spektre nebeskih tela što je, u principu, neophodan korak u korektnoj
interpretaciji rezultata. Zahvaljujući preciznim posmatranjima visoke spektralne
rezolucije često je moguće meriti ne samo intenzitet već i polarizaciju svetlosti.
Za interpretaciju ovakvih posmatranja neophodno je u rešavanje problema prenosa
zračenja uključiti i polarizaciju i primeniti odgovarajući teorijski pristup...
Authors Key words
formiranje spektralnih linija, numerički prenos zračenja, polarizacija
Authors Key words
spectral line formation, numerical radiative transfer, scattering polarization
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