Photon and electron action spectroscopy of trapped biomolecular ions - from isolated to nanosolvated species
Ranković, Miloš, 1986-
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Autorstvo-Nekomercijalno-Bez prerade 3.0 Srbija (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0)
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Committee report
Theses Type
Doktorska disertacija
Datum odbrane: 02.09.2016.
Other responsibilities
Milosavljević, Aleksandar, 1973-
član komisije
Marinković, Bratislav, 1956-
član komisije
Giuliani, Alexandre
član komisije
Belić, Dragoljub, 1951-
član komisije
Poparić, Goran, 1966-
član komisije
Nedeljković, Nataša, 1948-
Univerzitet u Beogradu
Fizički fakultet
Alternative title
Fotonska i elektronska akciona spektroskopija trapiranih biomolekularnih jona - od izolovanih do nanosolvatisanih čestica
[M. Ranković]
109 listova
Physics - Atomic and molecular physics / Fizika - Fizika atoma i molekula
Abstract (en)
In an effort to understand the vast complexity of the underlying processes within a cell at
a molecular level, the first step lies in revealing the fundamental physical and chemical
properties, as well as the structure, of biopolymers (proteins and DNA). With the
development of modern experimental techniques it has become possible to study these
large molecules under well-defined conditions in the gas phase, by closely inspecting
their interactions with energetic photons and electrons.
In this Thesis, we present the experimental setups for the action spectroscopy of peptides,
proteins and nucleotides, as well as the hydrated complexes (hydrated nucleotides), in the
gas phase. We present the details and the operation of the two experimental setups based
on coupling the linear quadrupole ion trap with: (1) a VUV or a soft X-ray synchrotron
beamline and (2) a focusing electron gun.
In the case (1), the existing experimental setup consisting of a commercial quadrupole
ion trap mass spectrometer (LTQ XL from Thermo Scientific), equipped with an
electrospray ion source, was coupled to the VUV beamline DESIRS and the soft X-ray
beamline PLEIADES at the synchrotron SOLEIL (France). The setups were used to study
the photo-induced ionization/fragmentation of trapped biopolymers and nanosolvated
species. The results obtained with this setups include VUV action spectroscopy of
protonated Leucine-Enkephalin peptide (both a monomer and a dimer) and a
nanosolvated nucleotide Adenosine monophosphate (AMP), in (5-15) eV photon energy
range. The inner-shell action spectroscopy in the soft X-ray energy range (around C and
N K-edge), was performed for multiply charged precursor of Ubiquitin protein. The
photo-dissociation and photo-fragmentation ion yields for several fragment ions from all
above mentioned macromolecules were extracted and the obtained spectral features were
discussed considering relevant photon-induced processes.
In the case (2), new experimental setup was developed by coupling the same LTQ XL
ion trap with a focusing electron gun, in order to perform an electron activation tandem
mass spectrometry, as well as an electron-impact action spectroscopy of trapped
biopolymer ions. The ion optic simulations using SIMION program were performed in
order to investigate the propagation of the electron beam in the RF+DC ion trap. Tests
measurements for electron-induced fragmentation of Substance P, Melittin and Ubiquitin
are presented for the impact energy of 300 eV. Finally, we present the electron-impact
inner-shell action spectroscopy of the multiply charged Ubiquitin protein, in the vicinity
of C K-edge energies of (280-300) eV. The electron-impact results are compared with the
soft X-ray photon-impact action spectroscopy results obtained for the same target.
Abstract (sr)
U nastojanju da se razume ogromna složenost procesa u okviru ćelije na molekulskom
nivou, prvi korak je otkrivanje fundamentalnih fizičko-hemijskih osobina, kao i strukture
biopolimera (proteina i DNK). Razvojem savremenih eksperimentalnih tehnika
omogućeno je proučavanje velikih biološki relevantnih molekula pod jasno definisanim
uslovima u gasnoj fazi, izučavanjem njihovih interakcija sa fotonima i elektronima
velikih energija.
U ovom radu su predstavljene eksperimentalne postavke za akcionu spektroskopiju
peptida, proteina, nukleotida, kao i nanosolvatisanih kompleksa (hidratisani nukleotidi) u
gasnoj fazi. Prikazani su detalji i princip rada dve eksperimentalne postavke zasnovane
na povezivanju linearne kvadrupolne jonske zamke sa: (1) sinhrotronskim fotonskim
mlazom (VUV i meki X-zraci) i (2) fokusirajućim elektronskim topom.
U slucaju (1), postojeća eksperimentalna aparatura koja sadrži linearnu kvadrupolnu
jonsku zamku u okviru komercijalnog masenog spektrometra (LTQ XL od firme Thermo
Scientific) povezana je sa VUV mlaznom linijom DESIRS i mlaznom linijom za meke
X-zrake PLEIADES na sinhrotronu SOLEIL (Francuska). Aparatura je upotrebljena za
izučavanje foto-indukovanih procesa jonizacije i fragmentacije zarobljenih jona
biopolimera i nanosolvatisanih čestica. Rezultati dobijeni na ovoj aparaturi uključuju
VUV akcionu spektroskopiju protonisanog leucin-enkefalin peptida (monomer i dimer),
kao i nanosolvatisanog nukleotida adenosin monofosfata (AMP), u opsegu energija
fotona od (5-15) eV. Akciona spektroskopija unutrašnje ljuske koristeći meke X-zrake (u
oblasti C i N K-ljuske), urađena je za višestruko naelektrisani prekursor proteina
ubikuitin. Za sve gore pomenute makromolekule, izučavani su absorpcioni spektri za
neke od dobijenih jonskih produkata, pri čemu su analizirane uočene spektralne
karakteristike dobijene u pomenutim fotonski indukovanim procesima.
U slucaju (2) razvijen je novi eksperimentalni sistem zasnovan na povezivanju iste LTQ
XL jonske zamke sa elektronskim topim sa mlazom elektrona srednjih energija, koja
omogućava tandem masenu spektrometriju i elektronski indukovanu akcionu
spektroskopiju zarobljenih jona biopolimera. Korišćenjem programa SIMION, urađene
su simulacije sa ciljem ispitivanja transmisije elektrona kroz jonsku zamku sa RF+DC
potencijalima. Inicijalni testovi aparature uradjeni su fragmentacijom peptida supstance
P i melitin, kao i ubikuitin proteina pri energijama elektrona u oblasti oko 300 eV. Na
kraju, prikazani su rezultati elektronski-indukovane akcione spektroskopije višestruko
naelektrisaniog jona ubikuitin proteina, u oblasti energija oko C K-ljuske (280-300) eV.
Ovi rezultati su upoređeni sa rezultatima dobijenim za istu metu pri fotonskiindukovanim
(X-zraci) procesima iz iste oblasti energija.
Authors Key words
Mass spectrometry, Action spectroscopy, Photo-dissociation, Electroninduced
dissociation, Synchrotron radiation, Electrospray ionization, Linear quadrupole
ion trap, SIMION, Peptides, Proteins, Hydrated nucleotides
Authors Key words
Masena spektrometrija, Akciona spektroskopija, Foto-disocijacija,
Elektronski indukovana disocijacija, Sinhrotronsko zračenje, Linearna kvadrupolna
jonska zamka, Peptidi, Proteini, Hidratisani nukleotidi
Abstract (en)
In an effort to understand the vast complexity of the underlying processes within a cell at
a molecular level, the first step lies in revealing the fundamental physical and chemical
properties, as well as the structure, of biopolymers (proteins and DNA). With the
development of modern experimental techniques it has become possible to study these
large molecules under well-defined conditions in the gas phase, by closely inspecting
their interactions with energetic photons and electrons.
In this Thesis, we present the experimental setups for the action spectroscopy of peptides,
proteins and nucleotides, as well as the hydrated complexes (hydrated nucleotides), in the
gas phase. We present the details and the operation of the two experimental setups based
on coupling the linear quadrupole ion trap with: (1) a VUV or a soft X-ray synchrotron
beamline and (2) a focusing electron gun.
In the case (1), the existing experimental setup consisting of a commercial quadrupole
ion trap mass spectrometer (LTQ XL from Thermo Scientific), equipped with an
electrospray ion source, was coupled to the VUV beamline DESIRS and the soft X-ray
beamline PLEIADES at the synchrotron SOLEIL (France). The setups were used to study
the photo-induced ionization/fragmentation of trapped biopolymers and nanosolvated
species. The results obtained with this setups include VUV action spectroscopy of
protonated Leucine-Enkephalin peptide (both a monomer and a dimer) and a
nanosolvated nucleotide Adenosine monophosphate (AMP), in (5-15) eV photon energy
range. The inner-shell action spectroscopy in the soft X-ray energy range (around C and
N K-edge), was performed for multiply charged precursor of Ubiquitin protein. The
photo-dissociation and photo-fragmentation ion yields for several fragment ions from all
above mentioned macromolecules were extracted and the obtained spectral features were
discussed considering relevant photon-induced processes.
In the case (2), new experimental setup was developed by coupling the same LTQ XL
ion trap with a focusing electron gun, in order to perform an electron activation tandem
mass spectrometry, as well as an electron-impact action spectroscopy of trapped
biopolymer ions. The ion optic simulations using SIMION program were performed in
order to investigate the propagation of the electron beam in the RF+DC ion trap. Tests
measurements for electron-induced fragmentation of Substance P, Melittin and Ubiquitin
are presented for the impact energy of 300 eV. Finally, we present the electron-impact
inner-shell action spectroscopy of the multiply charged Ubiquitin protein, in the vicinity
of C K-edge energies of (280-300) eV. The electron-impact results are compared with the
soft X-ray photon-impact action spectroscopy results obtained for the same target.
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