Intra- and interlingual translation through the prism of linguistic fluidity and literary circulation
Krstić, Višnja, 1991-, 15769191
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Autorstvo-Nekomercijalno-Bez prerade 3.0 Srbija (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0)
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Theses Type
Doktorska disertacija
Datum odbrane: 17.07.2020.
Other responsibilities
Daničić, Mirjana, 1974-, 12873319
član komisije
Jović, Bojan, 1963-, 4108391
član komisije
Đurić, Mina M., 1987-, 17875559
član komisije
Goetz, Greta, 19561319
Academic Expertise
Društveno-humanističke nauke
Univerzitet u Beogradu
Filološki fakultet
Alternative title
Intra- i interlingvalno prevođenje kroz prizmu lingvističke fluidnosti i cirkulisanja književnosti
[V. I. Krstić]
183 str.
Translation Studies, Linguistics, Literary Studies. - Translation Theory, Sociolinguistics, Comparative Literature,
Multilingualism Studies, Sociology of Translation, Historical Linguistics / studije prevođenja, lingvistika, studije književnosti - teorija prevođenja, sociolingvistika, komparativna književnost, studije
multilingvalizma, sociologija prevođenja, istorijska lingvistika
Abstract (en)
This dissertation concentrates on Roman Jakobson’s widespread
classification of translational relations, which distinguishes intra-, interlingual, and
intersemiotic translation. Albeit part of a tripartition, it is the distinction between intra- and
interlingual translation that is central to this investigation. Inspired by the case of Serbo-
Croatian’s administrative substitution with a greater number of individual languages – this
dissertation argues that intra- and interlingual translation are not stable relations, further
asserting that they are parasitic primarily on the definition and delimitation of language.
Jakobson’s notions of intra- and interlingual translation are investigated through a
twofold prism – of linguistic fluidity and literary circulation. On the one hand, linguistic fluidity
serves as a basis for the exploration of the causes in the concepts’ instability. The term
collectively denotes a series of manifestations where linguistic borders are challenged – either
on a macro level, when the whole language undergoes a change in its unity and identity, or a
micro level, when the boundaries are shifted in a multilingual text. On the other hand, literary
circulation is selected as a means of measuring the effects of these inconsistencies, particularly
in cultural terms...
Abstract (sr)
Disertacija obrađuje naširoko prihvaćenu klasifikaciju prevodilačkih relacija,
predloženu od strane lingviste Romana Jakobsona, koja razlikuje intra-, interlingvalno i
intersemiotičko prevođenje. Mada deo tročlane podele, glavni predmet istraživanja predstavlja
odnos između intra- i interlingvalnog prevođenja. Inspirisana slučajem administrativnog
cepanja srpskohrvatskog jezika na veći broj nezavisnih jezika, glavni argument ove disertacije
jeste da intra- i interlingvalno prevođenje nisu stabilne relacije, već da one pre svega zavise od
načina na koji se definiše i ograničava jezik.
Jakobsonovi pojmovi intra- i interlingvalnog prevođenja istraživani su kroz dvostruku
prizmu – lingvističke fluidnosti i cirkulisanja književnosti. S jedne strane, lingvistička fluidnost
služi kao osnov za razmatranje uzroka nestabilnosti ovih koncepata. Termin se odnosi na niz
manifestacija gde su jezičke granice dovedene u pitanje – bilo na makro nivou, kada se menja
jedinstvo i identitet čitavog jezika, ili na mikro nivou, kada pisac namerno pomera granice
unutar višejezičnog teksta. S druge strane, cirkulisanje književnosti trebalo bi da pomogne u
procenjivanju posledica ovih pomeranja, posebno na polju kulture...
Authors Key words
translational relations, intralingual translation, interlingual translation, literary
translation, linguistic fluidity, multilingualism, literary circulation, Serbo-Croatian language,
Serbian literature, Anglophone literary field
Authors Key words
prevodilačke relacije, intralingvalno prevođenje, interlingvalno prevođenje,
književno prevođenje, lingvistička fluidnost, višejezičnost, cirkulisanje književnosti,
srpskohrvatski jezik, srpska književnost, anglofono književno polje
81'25:929 Jakobson R. O.(043.3)
Abstract (en)
This dissertation concentrates on Roman Jakobson’s widespread
classification of translational relations, which distinguishes intra-, interlingual, and
intersemiotic translation. Albeit part of a tripartition, it is the distinction between intra- and
interlingual translation that is central to this investigation. Inspired by the case of Serbo-
Croatian’s administrative substitution with a greater number of individual languages – this
dissertation argues that intra- and interlingual translation are not stable relations, further
asserting that they are parasitic primarily on the definition and delimitation of language.
Jakobson’s notions of intra- and interlingual translation are investigated through a
twofold prism – of linguistic fluidity and literary circulation. On the one hand, linguistic fluidity
serves as a basis for the exploration of the causes in the concepts’ instability. The term
collectively denotes a series of manifestations where linguistic borders are challenged – either
on a macro level, when the whole language undergoes a change in its unity and identity, or a
micro level, when the boundaries are shifted in a multilingual text. On the other hand, literary
circulation is selected as a means of measuring the effects of these inconsistencies, particularly
in cultural terms...
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