Electrochemical synthesis and characterization of poly(vinyl alcohol) nanocomposites with silver nanoparticles
Abudabbus, Mohamed Mohamed.
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Autorstvo-Nekomercijalno 3.0 Srbija (CC BY-NC 3.0)
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Theses Type
Doktorska disertacija
Datum odbrane: 12. 3. 2018.
Other responsibilities
Mišković-Stanković, Vesna, 1957-
član komisije
Obradović, Bojana, 1966.
član komisije
Bajat, Jelena, 1964-
član komisije
Janković, Ana.
Academic Expertise
Tehničko-tehnološke nauke
Univerzitet u Beogradu
Tehnološko-metalurški fakultet
Alternative title
Elektrohemijska sinteza i karakterizacija nanokompozita polivinil-alkohola I nanočestica srebra
[M. M. Abudabbus]
XIV, 105 listova
Chemical sciences / Hemijske nauke
Abstract (en)
In this doctoral dissertation, a composite hydrogel consisting of poly(vinyl
alcohol), graphene and silver nanoparticles, (Ag/PVA/Gr), was prepared by the
immobilization of silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) in poly(vinyl alcohol)/graphene
(PVA/Gr) hydrogel matrix in two steps. The first step was cross linking of the PVA/Gr
colloid solution by the freezing/thawing method, while in the second step, in situ
electrochemical method was used to incorporate AgNPs inside the PVA/Gr hydrogel
matrix. The main aim of this study was to produce the nanocomposite graphene-based
biomaterial with incorporated silver nanoparticles using in situ electrochemical method,
aimed for soft tissue implants, wound dressings and drug delivery. The electrochemical
route of nanoparticles synthesis is especially attractive for biomedical applications due
to high purity and precise size control of metal particles and the absence of chemical
cross linking agents and undesired products.
Repeated cyclic freezing/thawing method was used to prepare poly(vinyl
alcohol) PVA and poly(vinyl alcohol)/graphene (PVA/Gr) hydrogel discs, followed by
electrochemical reduction method of different concentrations of Ag+ ions (0.25, 0.5,1.0
and 3.9 mM AgNO3 swelling solution) inside the hydrogel polymer matrices at a
constant voltage that enables the silver particle size control, in a specially designed
electrochemical cell.
Silver/poly(vinyl alcohol) (Ag/PVA) and silver/poly(vinyl alcohol)/graphene
(Ag/PVA/Gr) nanocomposites were characterized by UV–visible spectroscopy. The
absorption spectra at about 405-420 nm proved existence of AgNPs in both Ag/PVA
and Ag/PVA/Gr nanocomposites. Cyclic voltammetry revealed some oxidation and
reduction peaks suggesting the presence of AgNPs between polymer chains. Raman
spectroscopy analysis confirmed the graphene structure in its pure form, X-ray
diffraction was used to reveal the additional interactions established between the PVA
molecules and graphene sheets and the AgNPs situated between the polymer chains in
the Ag/PVA/Gr nanocomposite. The calculated interspacing (d-spacing) value for (002)
lattice plane of the PVA and Ag/PVA hydrogels was 0.457 nm, while the obtained
value changed slightly with the introduction of graphene sheets (0.449 nm for
Ag/PVA/Gr nanocomposite). Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) results for
both Ag/PVA and Ag/PVA/Gr nanocomposites suggested the interaction between
AgNPs and hydroxyl groups of the PVA molecules through decoupling between the
corresponding vibrations. Thermogravimetric analysis and corresponding differential
thermal analysis were done to investigate the role of graphene sheets in the thermal
stability of thus prepared nanocomposite samples, and the results showed higher
stability of Ag/PVA/Gr than Ag/PVA nanocomposites. Morphology of the prepared
PVA, PVA/Gr, Ag/PVA and Ag/PVA/Gr samples were examined by field-emission
scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM) technique and the microphotographs showed
sphere-shaped AgNPs at nanoscale levels which were around 36 nm in the Ag/PVA and
around 17 nm in the Ag/PVA/Gr nanocomposites...
Abstract (sr)
Ova doktorska disertacija se bavi sintezom hidrogelova polivinil-alkohola,
grafena i nanočestica srebra (Ag/PVA/Gr), imobilizacijom nanočestica srebra u matrici
hidrogela polivinil-alkohol/grafen (PVA/Gr) u dva koraka. Prvi korak je umrežavanje
koloidnog rastvora PVA/Gr metodom zamrzavanja i odmrzavanja, dok je u drugom
koraku primenjena in situ elektrohemijska metoda za inkorporaciju nanočestica srebra
u matrici PVA/Gr hidrogela. Glavni cilj ovog istraživanja je bila priprema
nanokompozitnih biomaterijala na bazi grafena sa inkorporisanim nanočesticama srebra,
sa mogućom primenom u vidu implantata mekog tkiva, obloga za rane i nosača za
lekove. Elektrohemijski postupak sinteze nanočestica je posebno atraktivan za primene
u biomedicini, zbog velike čistoće i mogućnosti precizne kontrole dobijenih
nanočestica, kao i zbog odsustva hemijskih agenasa i neželjenih produkata.
Metoda umrežavanja cikličnim zamrzavanjem i odmrzavanjem je korišćena u
cilju dobijanja polivinil-alkohol (PVA) i polivinil-alkohol/grafen (PVA/Gr) hidrogelova
u obliku diskova, a zatim je izvršena elektrohemijska redukcija Ag+ jona različitih
koncentracija (0,25, 0,5,1,0 i 3,9 mM AgNO3 swelling solution) u polimernoj matrici
hidrogela, na konstantnom naponu, što omogućava kontrolu dimenzija čestica srebra, u
posebno dizajniranoj elektrohemijskoj ćeliji.
Srebro/polivinil-alkohol (Ag/PVA) i srebro/polivinil-alkohol/grafen
(Ag/PVA/Gr) nanokompoziti su karakterisani UV-vidljivom spektroskopijom.
Apsorpcioni spektri sa maksimumom na oko 405-420 nm su dokazali prisustvo
nanočestica srebra u Ag/PVA i Ag/PVA/Gr nanokompozitima. Cikličnom
voltametrijom su pokazani pikovi oksidacije i redukcije koji ukazuju na prisustvo
nanočestica srebra u polimernoj matrici. Ramanova spektroskopija je potvrdila čistu
grafensku strukturu, dok je rendgenska difrakcija korišćena za ispitivanje interakcija
između PVA molekula sa grafenom i nanočesticama srebra, smeštenim između
polimernih lanaca Ag/PVA/Gr nanokompozita. Izračunato rastojanje između krisalnih
ravni za (002) ravan u PVA i Ag/PVA hidrogelovima je iznosilo 0.457 nm, dok se ova
vrednost promenila nakon inkorporacije grafena (0.449 nm za Ag/PVA/Gr
nanokompozit). Rezultati analize infracrvenom spektroskopijom sa Furijeovom
transformacijom (FTIR) za Ag/PVA i Ag/PVA/Gr nanokompozite su ukazali na
interakcije između nanočestica srebra i hidroksilnih grupa na PVA molekulima, na
osnovu razdvajanja odgovarajućih vibracionih traka. Termogravimetrijska analiza i
diferencijalna termogravimetrijska analiza su korišćene radi ispitivanja termičke
stabilnosti dobijenih uzoraka hidrogelova, a rezultati su pokazali povećanu stabilnost
Ag/PVA/Gr u odnosu na Ag/PVA nanokompozite. Morfologija dobijenih uzoraka PVA,
PVA/Gr, Ag/PVA i Ag/PVA/Gr je ispitana tehnikom skenirajuće elektronske
mikroskopije (FE-SEM), a na mikrografijama su uočene čestice srebra sfernog oblika i
nanometarskih dimenzija oko 36 nm u Ag/PVA i oko 17 nm u Ag/PVA/Gr
Authors Key words
polymer-matrix composites (PMCs), poly(vinyl alcohol), silver
nanoparticles, scanning electron microscopy, thermal analysis, cytotoxicity,
antibacterial activity, silver release
Authors Key words
kompoziti sa polimernom matricom, polivinil-alkohol, nanočestice
srebra, skenirajuća elektronska mikroskopija, termička analiza, citotoksičnost,
antibakterijska aktivnost, otpuštanje srebra.
Abstract (en)
In this doctoral dissertation, a composite hydrogel consisting of poly(vinyl
alcohol), graphene and silver nanoparticles, (Ag/PVA/Gr), was prepared by the
immobilization of silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) in poly(vinyl alcohol)/graphene
(PVA/Gr) hydrogel matrix in two steps. The first step was cross linking of the PVA/Gr
colloid solution by the freezing/thawing method, while in the second step, in situ
electrochemical method was used to incorporate AgNPs inside the PVA/Gr hydrogel
matrix. The main aim of this study was to produce the nanocomposite graphene-based
biomaterial with incorporated silver nanoparticles using in situ electrochemical method,
aimed for soft tissue implants, wound dressings and drug delivery. The electrochemical
route of nanoparticles synthesis is especially attractive for biomedical applications due
to high purity and precise size control of metal particles and the absence of chemical
cross linking agents and undesired products.
Repeated cyclic freezing/thawing method was used to prepare poly(vinyl
alcohol) PVA and poly(vinyl alcohol)/graphene (PVA/Gr) hydrogel discs, followed by
electrochemical reduction method of different concentrations of Ag+ ions (0.25, 0.5,1.0
and 3.9 mM AgNO3 swelling solution) inside the hydrogel polymer matrices at a
constant voltage that enables the silver particle size control, in a specially designed
electrochemical cell.
Silver/poly(vinyl alcohol) (Ag/PVA) and silver/poly(vinyl alcohol)/graphene
(Ag/PVA/Gr) nanocomposites were characterized by UV–visible spectroscopy. The
absorption spectra at about 405-420 nm proved existence of AgNPs in both Ag/PVA
and Ag/PVA/Gr nanocomposites. Cyclic voltammetry revealed some oxidation and
reduction peaks suggesting the presence of AgNPs between polymer chains. Raman
spectroscopy analysis confirmed the graphene structure in its pure form, X-ray
diffraction was used to reveal the additional interactions established between the PVA
molecules and graphene sheets and the AgNPs situated between the polymer chains in
the Ag/PVA/Gr nanocomposite. The calculated interspacing (d-spacing) value for (002)
lattice plane of the PVA and Ag/PVA hydrogels was 0.457 nm, while the obtained
value changed slightly with the introduction of graphene sheets (0.449 nm for
Ag/PVA/Gr nanocomposite). Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) results for
both Ag/PVA and Ag/PVA/Gr nanocomposites suggested the interaction between
AgNPs and hydroxyl groups of the PVA molecules through decoupling between the
corresponding vibrations. Thermogravimetric analysis and corresponding differential
thermal analysis were done to investigate the role of graphene sheets in the thermal
stability of thus prepared nanocomposite samples, and the results showed higher
stability of Ag/PVA/Gr than Ag/PVA nanocomposites. Morphology of the prepared
PVA, PVA/Gr, Ag/PVA and Ag/PVA/Gr samples were examined by field-emission
scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM) technique and the microphotographs showed
sphere-shaped AgNPs at nanoscale levels which were around 36 nm in the Ag/PVA and
around 17 nm in the Ag/PVA/Gr nanocomposites...
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