Evaluating ERP methodology and statistics in experiments using N400 after picture stimuli: doctoral dissertation
Šoškić, Anđela, 1992-, 25586279
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Autorstvo 3.0 Srbija (CC BY 3.0)
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Theses Type
Doktorska disertacija
Datum odbrane: 19.02.2019.
Other responsibilities
Ković, Vanja, 1979-, 4810599
član komisije
Tenjović, Lazar, 1958-, 12515943
član komisije
Janković, Milica, 1979-, 24690535
član komisije
Savić, Andrej, 1982-, 24687975
član komisije
Kappenman, Emily, 36526183
Academic Expertise
Društveno-humanističke nauke
Univerzitet u Beogradu
Filozofski fakultet
Odeljenje za psihologiju
Alternative title
Поређење методолошких и статистичких поступака у истраживањима потенцијала у вези са догађајем код N400
[A. Šoškić]
119 listova
Psychology - General psychology / Психологија - Општа психологија
Abstract (en)
The knowledge about event-related potentials (ERP) methodology that has accumulated across
decades provides useful guidance to researchers on how to make decisions they encounter in ERP
experiments. However, while basic standards outline what is not acceptable, there are still many decisions
to make when recording and analyzing ERP data, and for each of them, multiple options are acceptable,
resulting in thousands of potential unique data pre-processing and analysis strategies.
Having this in mind, the goal of the studies presented here was to explore the way ERP research
is done and presented, to examine the consequences of these decisions, to highlight some common issues,
and to contribute to advocating for more rigorous methodology and more comprehensive reporting.
These issues were explored in two studies. In Study 1, methodology trends in ERP research were
examined using a systematic review approach. In Study 2, data from an existing, published study was
used to assess how the variability in basic processing and analysis decisions which is found in the existing
literature could influence experimental effects. Due to the diversity of ERP methodology, we focused on
a narrow category of ERP studies, those investigating a well-established component (the N400), in the
most commonly assessed population (healthy neurotypical adults), in one of its common modalities
(visual images).
The studies demonstrate that improvements in reporting on ERP methods are necessary and show
which points are most often overlooked. Furthermore, we identify the most common deviations from the
guidelines for good practice, as well as methodological decisions which could have influence on ERP
effects and statistical power to detect them. Finally, we provide basis for a priori analysis strategies for
future studies.
Abstract (sr)
Сазнања о методологији истраживања потенцијала у вези са догађајем (ERP) акумулирана
током деценија пружају корисне смернице истраживачима при доношењу истраживачких одлука.
Међутим, иако постоје основни стандарди о томе које праксе нису прихватљиве, истраживачима
и даље остаје много одлука које се морају донети приликом снимања и анализе ERP сигнала, и за
сваку од њих постоји више решења. Последично, у сваком експерименту постоје хиљаде могућих
стратегија обраде и анализе података у сваком истраживању.
Стога, циљ овде изложених истраживања био је да се истраже како начин на који се ERP
истраживања спроводе и о њима извештава, тако и последице одлука које се доносе, да се истакну
чести проблеми, и да се допринесе настојањима да се истраживања спроводе темељније и о њима
извештава детаљније.
Ови проблеми сагледани су кроз два истраживања. У првом су испитани методолошки
трендови у области ERP сигнала путем систематског прегледа литературе. У другом су подаци из
постојеће, публиковане студије искоришћени да се провери да ли постојећа варијабилност у
основним одлукама о обради и анализи ERP сигнала може да утиче на исходе истраживања. Због
разноврсности саме ERP технике, умерили смо се на једну, често проучавану меру (N400),
добијену у најчешће испитиваној популацији (здрави неуротипични одрасли испитаници), у
једном од честих модалитета у којима се она испитује (сликовни стимулуси).
Истраживања су показала да је неопходно побољшати извештавање о методолошким
одлукама и омогућила да се укаже на најчешће превиде. Такође, идентификовали смо најчешћа
одступања од препорука за добру праксу и неке од методолошких одлука које могу утицати на
величину ERP ефеката и статистичку снагу да се они детектују. Коначно, предложили смо основу
за доношење а приори одлука о статистичкој анализи ERP сигнала у будућим истраживањима.
Authors Key words
ERP methodology, statistics, N400, visually evoked potentials, event related potentials, open
science, reproducibility
Authors Key words
ERP методологија, статистика, N400, визуелни евоцирани потенцијали, потенцијали у вези
са догађајем, отворена наука, репродуцибилност
Abstract (en)
The knowledge about event-related potentials (ERP) methodology that has accumulated across
decades provides useful guidance to researchers on how to make decisions they encounter in ERP
experiments. However, while basic standards outline what is not acceptable, there are still many decisions
to make when recording and analyzing ERP data, and for each of them, multiple options are acceptable,
resulting in thousands of potential unique data pre-processing and analysis strategies.
Having this in mind, the goal of the studies presented here was to explore the way ERP research
is done and presented, to examine the consequences of these decisions, to highlight some common issues,
and to contribute to advocating for more rigorous methodology and more comprehensive reporting.
These issues were explored in two studies. In Study 1, methodology trends in ERP research were
examined using a systematic review approach. In Study 2, data from an existing, published study was
used to assess how the variability in basic processing and analysis decisions which is found in the existing
literature could influence experimental effects. Due to the diversity of ERP methodology, we focused on
a narrow category of ERP studies, those investigating a well-established component (the N400), in the
most commonly assessed population (healthy neurotypical adults), in one of its common modalities
(visual images).
The studies demonstrate that improvements in reporting on ERP methods are necessary and show
which points are most often overlooked. Furthermore, we identify the most common deviations from the
guidelines for good practice, as well as methodological decisions which could have influence on ERP
effects and statistical power to detect them. Finally, we provide basis for a priori analysis strategies for
future studies.
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