ǂThe ǂprocessing, properties and application of dental inserts based on calcium phosphates and zirconia
Ayoub, Giuma Khalifa Giuma, 1975-
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Datum odbrane: 23.09.2022.
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Academic Expertise
Tehničko-tehnološke nauke
Univerzitet u Beogradu
Tehnološko-metalurški fakultet
Alternative title
Procesiranje, svojstva i primena dentalnih inserata na bazi kalcijum-fosfata i cirkonijum(IV)-oksida
[G. K. G. Ayoub]
XIV, 97 str.
Technical engineering - Materials engineering / Tehnološko inženjerstvo - Inženjerstvo materijala
Abstract (en)
The objective of the study was to process nano-structured hydroxyapatite/yttrium
stabilized zirconia bioceramic and to investigate the possibilities of its application as
dentin replacement in the form of dental inserts. The processing conditions were varied
in order to optimize phase composition, microstructure, fracture toughness, hardness, and
shear bond strength (SBS) between the obtained inserts and restorative materials,
following either the "total-etch" or „self-etch“ clinical protocol. Composite nano-powder,
obtained by mixing and homogenization of 80 wt% of stoichiometric hydroxyapatite
(HAp) synthesized by modified precipitation method and 20 wt% of yttrium-stabilized
ZrO2 (YSZ) synthesized by plasma method, was isostatically pressed into cylinder-
shaped green bodies. After dilatometric analysis, HAp/YSZ inserts were sintered in the
temperature range from 1200 °C to 1300 °C. Hardness and fracture toughness of sintered
inserts were ranged between 3.90 ± 0.20 – 3.95 ± 0.12 GPa and 1.82 ± 0.04 – 1.88 ± 0.03
MPam1/2, respectively. Microstructural analysis of biphasic stoichiometric
hydroxyapatite/tetragonal phase of zirconia (HAp/t-ZrO2) inserts indicated two potential
fracture mechanisms for fracture toughness increasing. Sintering temperature and
different clinical protocols affected SBS between processed inserts and commercial
dental restorative materials. Maximum SBS values of 10.50 ± 4.94 MPa (mean±standard
deviation) were reached in inserts sintered at 1300 °C, following the „self-etch“ protocol
of adhesive application. It could be concluded that resin-based composites could be
strongly bonded to HAp/YSZ inserts, preferably with a „self-etch“ adhesive application.
In addition, the values of fracture toughness and hardness of the obtained inserts indicated
the possibility of their use as dentin substitutes, which could be a good prerequisite for
satisfactory mechanics of restored teeth. One of the aims was also to analyze
comparatively physico-chemical and mechanical properties of dental inserts and SBS
between dissimilar hydroxyapatite-based dental inserts and different restorative
materials, after application of different clinical protocols. Besides HAp/YSZ inserts,
monophasic two-step sintered dense HAp (TSSHAp) and biphasic single-step sintered
controlled porous (HAp/tricalcium phosphate, TCp) inserts were processed and used in
analysis. TSSHAp and HAp/TCp inserts showed comparable and relatively high SBS
values, certainly higher compared to HAp/YSZ inserts. Slightly higher SBS values were
measured in the case of TSSHAp insert group, and the highest mean SBS value of 18.51
MPa was determined between TSSHAp inserts and Filtek Z250_SBU following the „self-
etch“ protocol. Mechanical properties of the three insert types were similar or higher than
enamel (hardness) and similar to dentin (fracture toughness) despite differences in insert
processing methods. SBS values to HAp-based inserts and various restorative materials
varied largely but were found relatable to dentin bonding. Adhesive bonding following
either "total-etch" or „self-etch“ protocol is promising to all three types of HAp-based
Abstract (sr)
Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je procesiranje nanostrukturnog hidroksiapatita/itrijumom
stabilisanog cirkonijum-dioksida i ispitivanje mogućnosti njihove primene u formi
dentalnih inserata kao zamene za dentin. Uslovi procesiranja su varirani sa ciljem
optimizacije faznog sastava, mikrostrukture, žilavosti, tvrdoće i jačine veze na smicanje,
između dobijenih inserata i restaurativnih materijala prateći protokol totalnog nagrizanja
ili samonagrizajući protokol. Kompozitni nanoprah dobijen mešanjem i
homogenizacijom 80 % stehiometrijskog hidroksiapatita (HAp), sintetisanog
modifikovanom metodom precipitacije i 20 % itrijumom stabilisanog CrO2 (YSZ),
sintetisanog plazma metodom, je izostatski presovan u cilindrični polazni kompakt.
Nakon dilatometrijske analize, HAp/YSZ inserti su sinterovani u temperaturnom opsegu
od 1200 °C do 1300 °C. Tvrdoća je bila u opsegu 3,90 ± 0,20 – 3,95 ± 0,12 Gpa, a žilavost
loma u opsegu 1,82 ± 0,04 – 1,88 ± 0,03 MPam1/2. Analiza mikrostruktre dvofaznog
stehiometrijskog hidroksiapatita/tetragonalnog cirkonijum dioksida (HAp/t-ZrO2) je
pokazala dva potencijalna mehanizma povećanja žilavosti. Temperatura sinterovanja i
različiti klinički protokoli su uticali na jačinu veze na smicanje između procesiranih
inserata i komercijalnih restaurativnih materijala. Najveće vrednosti jačine veze na
smicanje od 10,50 ± 4,94 MPa su postignute kod inserata koji su sinterovani na 1300 °C,
sledeći samonagrizajući protokol primene adheziva. Može se zaključiti da se kompoziti
na bazi smole mogu snažno vezati za HAp/YSZ inserte, prevenstveno primenjujući
samonagrizajući protokol. Dodatno, vrednosti žilavosti i tvrdoće dobijenih inserata
ukazali su na potencijal njihove primene kao supstituenata dentina, što je dobar uslov za
zadovoljavajuća mehanička svojstva restauiranih zuba. Jedan od ciljeva je takođe bila
komparativna analiza fizičko-hemijskih i mehaničkih osobina dentalnih inserata i jačine
veze na smicanje između različitih dentalnih inserata na bazi hidroksiapatita i različitih
restaurativnih materijala, nakon primene različitih kliničkih protokola. Pored HAp/YSZ
inserata, monofazni, dvostepeno sinterovani gusti HAp (TSSHAp) i dvofazni
jednostepeno sinterovani HAp sa kontrolisanom poroznošću (HAp/tricalcium phosphate,
TCp) su procesirani i analizirani takođe. TSSHAp i HAp/TCp inserti su pokazali
uporedive i relativno velike vrednosti jačine veze na smicanje, više u odnosu na
HAp/YSZ inserte. Malo veće vrednosti jačine veze na smicanje su određene kod TSSHAp
inserata, a najviša srednja vrednost jačine veze na smicanje, koja je iznosila 18,51 MPa
je određena između TSSHAp inserata i Filtek Z250_SBU nakon protokola
samonagrizanja. Mehanička svojstva tri tipa inserata su bila slična ili veća u odnosu na
gleđ (tvrdoću) i slična dentinu (žilavost) uprkos razlikama u metodama procesiranja
inserata. Vrednosti jačine veze na smicanje inserata na bazi HAp-a i različitih
restaurativnih materijala su veoma varirale, ali su se pokazale uporedive sa vezom sa
dentinom. Adhezivno vezivanje dobijeno protokolom totalnog nagrizanja ili
samonagrizajućim portokolom je obećavajuće kod sva tri tipa inserata na bazi HAp-a
Authors Key words
hydroxyapatite, yttrium stabilized zirconia bioceramic, shear bond strength
inserts, composites, adhesives, mechanical properties
Authors Key words
hidroksiapatit, itrijumom stabilisani cirkonijum-dioksid, jačina veze na
smicanje, kompoziti, adhezivi, mehanička svojstva
Abstract (en)
The objective of the study was to process nano-structured hydroxyapatite/yttrium
stabilized zirconia bioceramic and to investigate the possibilities of its application as
dentin replacement in the form of dental inserts. The processing conditions were varied
in order to optimize phase composition, microstructure, fracture toughness, hardness, and
shear bond strength (SBS) between the obtained inserts and restorative materials,
following either the "total-etch" or „self-etch“ clinical protocol. Composite nano-powder,
obtained by mixing and homogenization of 80 wt% of stoichiometric hydroxyapatite
(HAp) synthesized by modified precipitation method and 20 wt% of yttrium-stabilized
ZrO2 (YSZ) synthesized by plasma method, was isostatically pressed into cylinder-
shaped green bodies. After dilatometric analysis, HAp/YSZ inserts were sintered in the
temperature range from 1200 °C to 1300 °C. Hardness and fracture toughness of sintered
inserts were ranged between 3.90 ± 0.20 – 3.95 ± 0.12 GPa and 1.82 ± 0.04 – 1.88 ± 0.03
MPam1/2, respectively. Microstructural analysis of biphasic stoichiometric
hydroxyapatite/tetragonal phase of zirconia (HAp/t-ZrO2) inserts indicated two potential
fracture mechanisms for fracture toughness increasing. Sintering temperature and
different clinical protocols affected SBS between processed inserts and commercial
dental restorative materials. Maximum SBS values of 10.50 ± 4.94 MPa (mean±standard
deviation) were reached in inserts sintered at 1300 °C, following the „self-etch“ protocol
of adhesive application. It could be concluded that resin-based composites could be
strongly bonded to HAp/YSZ inserts, preferably with a „self-etch“ adhesive application.
In addition, the values of fracture toughness and hardness of the obtained inserts indicated
the possibility of their use as dentin substitutes, which could be a good prerequisite for
satisfactory mechanics of restored teeth. One of the aims was also to analyze
comparatively physico-chemical and mechanical properties of dental inserts and SBS
between dissimilar hydroxyapatite-based dental inserts and different restorative
materials, after application of different clinical protocols. Besides HAp/YSZ inserts,
monophasic two-step sintered dense HAp (TSSHAp) and biphasic single-step sintered
controlled porous (HAp/tricalcium phosphate, TCp) inserts were processed and used in
analysis. TSSHAp and HAp/TCp inserts showed comparable and relatively high SBS
values, certainly higher compared to HAp/YSZ inserts. Slightly higher SBS values were
measured in the case of TSSHAp insert group, and the highest mean SBS value of 18.51
MPa was determined between TSSHAp inserts and Filtek Z250_SBU following the „self-
etch“ protocol. Mechanical properties of the three insert types were similar or higher than
enamel (hardness) and similar to dentin (fracture toughness) despite differences in insert
processing methods. SBS values to HAp-based inserts and various restorative materials
varied largely but were found relatable to dentin bonding. Adhesive bonding following
either "total-etch" or „self-etch“ protocol is promising to all three types of HAp-based
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