Cross-talk of insulin, leptin and glucocorticoid signaling in the rat hypothalamus and skeletal muscle during metabolic disturbances induced by dietary fructose and stress
Shirif, Abdulbaset, 1967-
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Autorstvo-Nekomercijalno-Deliti pod istim uslovima 3.0 Srbija (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0)
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Theses Type
Doktorska disertacija
Datum odbrane: 30.05.2023.
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Prirodno-matematičke nauke
Academic Title
Univerzitet u Beogradu
Biološki fakultet
Alternative title
Interakcije signalnih puteva insulina, leptina i glukokortikoida u hipotalamusu i skeletnom mišiću pacova tokom metaboličkih poremećaja izazvanih ishranom obogaćenom fruktozom i stresom
[A. Shirif]
91 str.
Biology - Biochemistry and molecular biology / Biologija - Biohemija i molekularna biologija
Abstract (en)
Modern way of living includes unpredictable stressful daily events and consumption of
caloric fructose-rich food. Increased incidence of insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome
raise the necessity to investigate how these two factors present in our everyday lives
influence metabolic health.
The aim of this doctoral dissertation is to test the hypothesis that fructose diet
combined with chronic unpredictable stress induces more pronounced metabolic
derangements in the skeletal muscle and hypothalamus of male Wistar rats than each of the
factors applied separately. With that in mind, we analyzed hypothalamic insulin and leptin
signaling and their effects on appetite regulation, skeletal muscle insulin signaling, and lipid
metabolism, muscle glucocorticoid signaling and inflammation after challenging conditions of
excessive fructose consumption (9 weeks) and/or exposure to chronic unpredictable stress (4
Results showed that fructose diet combined with chronic stress altered expression of
hypothalamic neuropeptides causing increased appetite and energy intake, increased activity
of AMPK energy sensor and impaired insulin signaling. In the skeletal muscle, combination of
fructose and stress caused muscle lipid overload and disturbed lipid metabolism by
increasing lipolysis and β-oxidation. Decreased muscle glucocorticoid signaling enabled rise of
uncontrolled lipid-induced inflammation creating a setting for muscle insulin signaling
impairment detected after combination of the treatments.
Results of this doctoral dissertation have clearly showed that combination of fructose
diet and chronic stress exposure had more detrimental effects on the hypothalamus and
skeletal muscle of male rats than each of the treatments applied separately.
Abstract (sr)
Moderan način života se sastoji od svakodnevnih nepredvidivih stresnih događaja i
konzumiranja kalorične hrane bogate fruktozom. Povećana učestalost insulinske rezistencije i
metaboličkog sindroma nameće potrebu da se istraži kako ova dva faktora prisutna u našem
svakodnevnom životu utiču na metaboličko zdravlje.
Cilj ove doktorske disertacije je da se ispita hipoteza da ishrana bogata fruktozom u
kombinaciji sa hroničnim nepredvidivim stresom izaziva izraženije metaboličke poremećaje u
skeletnim mišićima i hipotalamusu mužjaka pacova nego svaki od primenjenih tretmana
ponaosob. Imajući to na umu, analizirali smo signalizaciju insulina i leptina u hipotalamusu i
njihove efekte na regulaciju apetita, signalizaciju insulina u skeletnim mišićima, metabolizam
lipida, signalizaciju glukokortikoida i inflamaciju nakon prekomernog unosa fruktoze (9
nedelja) i/ili izloženosti hroničnom nepredvidivom stresu (4 nedelje).
Rezultati su pokazali da ishrana bogata fruktozom u kombinaciji sa hroničnim stresom
menja ekspresiju neuropeptida hipotalamusa, izazivajući povećan apetit i unos energije,
povećanu aktivnost energetskog senzora AMPK i narušava insulinsku signalizaciju. U
skeletnim mišićima, kombinacija fruktoze i stresa izazvala je povećanje unosa lipida i nivoa
lipolize i β-oksidacije. Inhibirana glukokortikoidna signalizacija omogućava povećanje
nekontrolisane inflamacije izazvane lipidima, doprinoseći poremećaju mišićne insulinske
signalizacije nakon kombinacije tretmana.
Rezultati ove doktorske disertacije jasno su pokazali da je kombinacija ishrane bogate
fruktozom i hronične izloženosti stresu izazvala štenije efekte na hipotalamus i skeletne
mišiće mužjaka pacova nego svaki od tretmana primenjen pojedinačno.
Authors Key words
Chronic stress; fructose; skeletal muscle; hypothalamus; glucocorticoid
hormones; leptin; lipid metabolism; insulin resistance; inflammation
Authors Key words
Hronični stres; fruktoza; skeletni mišići; hipotalamus; glukokortikoidni
hormoni; lipidni metabolizam; insulinska rezistencija, inflamacija
Abstract (en)
Modern way of living includes unpredictable stressful daily events and consumption of
caloric fructose-rich food. Increased incidence of insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome
raise the necessity to investigate how these two factors present in our everyday lives
influence metabolic health.
The aim of this doctoral dissertation is to test the hypothesis that fructose diet
combined with chronic unpredictable stress induces more pronounced metabolic
derangements in the skeletal muscle and hypothalamus of male Wistar rats than each of the
factors applied separately. With that in mind, we analyzed hypothalamic insulin and leptin
signaling and their effects on appetite regulation, skeletal muscle insulin signaling, and lipid
metabolism, muscle glucocorticoid signaling and inflammation after challenging conditions of
excessive fructose consumption (9 weeks) and/or exposure to chronic unpredictable stress (4
Results showed that fructose diet combined with chronic stress altered expression of
hypothalamic neuropeptides causing increased appetite and energy intake, increased activity
of AMPK energy sensor and impaired insulin signaling. In the skeletal muscle, combination of
fructose and stress caused muscle lipid overload and disturbed lipid metabolism by
increasing lipolysis and β-oxidation. Decreased muscle glucocorticoid signaling enabled rise of
uncontrolled lipid-induced inflammation creating a setting for muscle insulin signaling
impairment detected after combination of the treatments.
Results of this doctoral dissertation have clearly showed that combination of fructose
diet and chronic stress exposure had more detrimental effects on the hypothalamus and
skeletal muscle of male rats than each of the treatments applied separately.
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